by Joyce Slaton posted in Products & Prizes Almost summer! Beaches, parks, long walks, late sunsets. Gotta keep those baby eyes covered, both to keep them safe and so that you can take pictures like this: There is nothing cuter than a baby in sunglasses, unless it is two babies in sunglasses. And since exposure… Read more »
Almost summer! Beaches, parks, long walks, late sunsets. Gotta keep those baby eyes covered, both to keep them safe and so that you can take pictures like this:
There is nothing cuter than a baby in sunglasses, unless it is two babies in sunglasses. And since exposure to ultraviolet light increases your child’s chance of having cataracts and other eye problems later, you can easily justify buying the cutest shades available, assuming your child will wear them (try a hat instead if not).
But who could resist numbers like these?
1. Ro-sham-bo Baby 90210 (Roshambobaby, $20)
2. Black Ops Black Babiators (Babiators, $20)
3. Baby Opticals by Mustachifier Polarized Baby Sunglasses (Shopfctry, $19.99)
4. On The Verge Kids’ Round Sunglasses (Buybuybaby, $2.99)
5. Real Kids Explorer sunglasses (Shoprealkidshades, $14.95)
6. Houston, We Have a Rockstar Polarized Babiators (Babiators, $45)
7. On the Verge Heart Shaped Rubber Sunglasses (Bedbathandbeyond, $2.99)
8. Baby Opticals by Mustachifier Polarized Baby Sunglasses (Shopfctry, $34.99)
9. Baby Banz Retro Banz (, $15.79)
10. Real Kids Shades Breeze (Shoprealkidshades, $14.95)
For some real-life inspiration, here are 16 sweet pictures of BabyCenter babies in sunglasses: