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“Go to your room, Beige!” People are sharing uncommon child names and it’s gold


“Go to your room, Beige!” People are sharing uncommon child names and it’s gold

When a mum heard a toddler being known as ‘Beige’ within the grocery store, she took to standard discussion board Mumsnet to canvas for different uncommon child names. Dedicated discussion board customers had been forthcoming, sharing a wide range of compelling and stunning names which have many asking “wait, what?!”

“Definitely Beige”

“In the supermarket today and heard a mum shout “Beige” to her daughter… no joke!” the unique poster wrote. “At first I thought I had misheard Paige…but no, definitely Beige. Got me thinking… what are the worst names you have come across?”

The response was fairly overwhelming, with over 600 feedback chiming in their very own distinctive monikers. Here’s only a few of our favorite uncommon examples. Perhaps your future child’s title is amongst them?! You simply by no means know…

1. Justique

“Justique (Absolutely no idea what the parents were thinking!)”

2. Beowulf

“A mum in my baby yoga group called her son Beowulf.”

three. Pocahontas

“Pocahontas. She is in her late 20s and now goes by “Helen”. Who of their proper thoughts calls their youngster that?”

four. Vanilla

“I know a little girl called Vanilla.”

5. Pebbles

“My [sister] used to go to nursery with a little girl called Pebbles which is the worst I’ve come across.”

6. Ptolemy

“For posh names I don’t think I’ve heard worse than Ptolemy.”

7. Endurance and eight. Zebedee

“[My daughter] went to nursery with an Endurance. Primary school with a Zebedee.”

9. Raspberry

“I did my work experience at a nursery school and had a little boy there called Raspberry.”

10. Cupcake

“I know a little girl called Cupcake. Poor kid. Cute when you’re 6 not so much 40…”

11. Bubble-Lee

“I knew of a boy called Bubble-Lee.”

12. Evol

“I once meet a (male) estate agent called Evol. It’s ‘Love’ backwards… How nice. A shame it sounds like ‘Evil’.”

13. Glumdalclitch

“The worst name of all time is Glumdalclitch. I was at university with her. I know it’s literary – but it’s not kind.”

14. Hippolyte

“We have friends in France who have called their son Hippolyte. They pronounce it ee-poh-leet. The weird thing is that is Greek mythology Hippolyte was a woman. Also that the child will be called Hippo for short once at school.”

15. Serbarstiene

“Most unusual name I’ve come across was a wee boy called Serbarstiene. I thought I was hearing it wrong but I saw it written down. Definitely Serbarstiene.”

16. Harlequin

“A woman I know named her daughter Harlequin.”

17. Dolce & 18. Gabbana

“I know someone who called their twin girls Dolce and Gabbana.”

19. Gobnait

“Gobnait. (pronounced gub-nit) There will never be a name uglier than Gobnait.”

2o. Sensimilia

“Sensimilia was a pretty but unhelpful name to give a child. No doubt she has changed it, as she’d be in her 30s by now.”

Others had been equally involved in regards to the knowledge of pairing sure given names and surnames, with Mike Hunt and Jenny Taylor being raised as very unwise – however actual world – decisions.



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