Every new mom has a unique experience with breastfeeding. Some babies latch on like pros, while others take time to convince. Either way, a breastfeeding mom needs to find the pump that works best for her.
We are going to compare two of the most popular brands – Medela and Evenflo.
We will compare them with pros and cons to help you figure out which one you should invest in. In both cases, you can choose between an electric or manual breast pump, various accessories, and the prices are comparable to one another.
So it really boils down to your situation (are you at home with the baby or back to work?) and ensuring you invest in the right one.
Medela Breast Pumps

Here’s the pros:
- Medela breast pumps are designed to support a newborn’s natural sucking patterns.
- They have a wide range of sizes
- They are the only company to provide proven, research-based pump technology
- Research shows women reach optimal milk removal when using Medela pumps
- They offer a variety of pumps to fit your lifestyle, whether you pump just once a day or after each feeding
- You can customize your setup with their various accessories. Accessories can be found in most stores, such as your local grocery store, Target, and Walmart.
- You don’t have to buy – you can rent them too!
- Certain insurances will cover the costs
Here’s the cons:
- Prices can run you anywhere from $150-$500
- They’re not going to magically make your baby latch (he or she has to do that on his or her own)
- WIC and Medicaid customers cannot take advantage of the ACA’s (Affordable Care Act) insurance policy in most cases. However, contact your WIC agency for more details
Evenflo Breast Pumps

Here’s the pros:
- Prices are lower than competitors, regardless of the style pump you choose
- They come in various sizes
- Offer ultimate comfort and support
- Suction is sufficient for most breastfeeding moms
- Easy to clean and small in size for discreet storage
- Accessories can be found in most stores, including your local grocery store, Target, and Walmart
- When you buy an Evenflo breast pump, you get a cool, educational video on how to use your product from the person who designed it (Shari).
Here’s the cons:
- Not covered by most insurances
- Cannot return or exchange your pump if it isn’t what you were expecting or needing
- Some people feel the suction is weak if batteries AND the adapter are not both in use
- Batteries are essential to using these pumps – stock up!
- Tends to be noisier than competitor’s pumps
Ok, so there you have it. The two most popular breast pumps, broken down with pros and cons. It’s important you make a decision based on your lifestyle aka will you be breastfeeding and pumping? Just pumping? Will you be home for your child’s first year of life, or will you be returning to work shortly after the birth?
All in all, keep these three things in mind when choosing your breast pump:
- Make sure you buy a pump with multiple flange (cup) sizes. Your boobs will change sizes depending on how much milk has been produced.
- Make sure your pump has two separate controls for speed and suction. This will allow you to customize your settings to get the best results.
- Make sure your pump has either a closed system, or the option for a closed system. A closed system is one that keeps a barrier between your milk and the tubing for the pump.
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