Getting enough calcium during pregnancy is very important. If you don’t get enough in your diet (our bodies don’t manufacture it, so it must be introduced by outside sources like diet and supplements), your baby’s calcium needs will be met by taking calcium from your bones. Yes, you read that correctly. From your bones. Your baby needs the calcium to build healthy teeth, bones, muscles and heart. Your baby needs the calcium. But so do you! Inadequate intake of calcium leads to a decrease in your bone mass while your baby is developing and increases your risk of osteoporosis.
The majority of Americans do not receive the amount of calcium needed daily based on diet alone – the majority of OB/GYN’s* (68%) recommend pregnant women take a calcium supplement during pregnancy. Here’s the key thing, you don’t need to take in extra calcium when you are pregnant, but you need to take in enough calcium every day to meet your daily requirements of 1000 mg (for women 19+). Many multivitamins, prenatal vitamins and mineral supplements provide only 20-30% of the recommended amount of calcium for women who are pregnant.
Pregnancy is a critical time when maternal nutrition choices have major influence on the mother and child’s health. There are some key nutrients to make sure you’re getting enough of: Iron (17% of pregnant women are iron deficient), Vitamin D (at least 600 IU per day), Calcium (during pregnancy, calcium absorption increases along with bone mobilization), Folic acid (400 micrograms per day to prevent neutral tube defects), and Iodine (required for normal brain development of your baby). Of course, before taking any supplements for these nutrients, speak your healthcare provider beforehand.
Fortunately for all of us, getting our daily 1000 mg of calcium is now easy and delicious with Viactiv Calcium Soft Chews. Rather than swallowing a large calcium pill (twice daily), Viactiv makes taking calcium enjoyable with tasty soft chews in milk chocolate and caramel flavors. One Viactiv Calcium Soft Chew (500 mg of calcium and 500 IU of Vitamin D) taken twice daily provides 100% of the daily value of calcium for most women plus vitamins D and K. Viactiv Calcium Soft Chews are intended to help achieve recommended daily dietary levels of these nutrients as a supplement to diet/food sources and it is part of the three keys to healthy bones: Obtaining an adequate daily dose of calcium from your diet, Regular bone strengthening exercises–#BeActiv, Supplementing when diet is not enough.
Viactiv Calcium Soft Chews are the #1 doctor-recommended calcium supplement chew. Save $2 on your next Viactiv Calcium Soft Chews with this coupon. Viactiv is available at major retailers nationwide including Rite Aid, CVS, Target, and Walmart, as well as supermarkets nationwide.
Want an easy way to determine if you’re getting enough calcium? First know your calcium requirements by stage/age, because they vary:
To learn more visit the Viactiv website or Facebook.

*OB/GYN survey data was gathered by BrandPerx on behalf of Viactiv, surveying over 1,000 participating OB/GYN’s across the country during the month of July, 2015
Please talk with your doctor regarding any concerns before taking any supplements. This post is not intended to address or diagnose any medical conditions. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Viactiv Calcium Soft Chews are available in milk chocolate and caramel flavors at major retailers including CVS, Rite Aid, Target, and Walmart, as well as supermarkets nationwide. Print this coupon to save $2 on your next in-store purchase of Viactiv.
Learn more about Viactiv at
This is a product-provided, sponsored conversation on behalf of Viactiv that contains affiliate links. I received Viactiv products for my own personal use. This post is not intended to address or diagnose any medical conditions. All opinions, text and experiences are my own. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please speak with your healthcare provider regarding any medical concerns.
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