How Pregnancy Feels, According to Disney GIFs
I’m at my 35th week of pregnancy, and it’s getting a little harder to get around. When I walk down the street, I feel like that heavy-breathing slug in Monsters University who is frantically trying to get to class on the first day of school, but is actually barely going anywhere. This got me thinking, how else can pregnancy be explained through Disney GIFs? In many ways, actually …
When you first find out you’re pregnant:
That crazy, ravenous, FEED-ME-NOW-NOW-NOW hungry you get:
When you’re at a really boring work meeting and there’s a party in your belly (as in, the baby is kicking up a storm):
When you’re all “No, no, I’m fine, the nausea will pass!” and then … b-l-e-h:
You. Crying over a TV commercial. Because hormones:
The extra lovey-dovey way your partner treats you during pregnancy that gives you hope he will change diapers:
When someone mentions the words “mucus plug”:
Those weird pregnancy dreams you have involving small critters:
The two of you on the babymoon:
That comatose-like state you achieve when you nap (which kind of makes the babymoon just a little less wild and crazy):
How you hope you’ll handle the delivery. Assuming you get an epidural, that is:
When you can’t stop hoarding snacks in your purse, in your desk at work, in your nightstand, in your bra, wherever:
That deluded vision in your head of what it’ll be like when you’re up with the baby in the wee hours. Repeat: deluded:
How you look when you try to roll out of bed in the morning:
When you’re totally over not being able to shop the clothing sales:
Love Gifs as much as we do? Now you can text them whenever you want with the Disney Gif app, available on Android, Amazon, and iOS!
The post How Pregnancy Feels, According to Disney GIFs appeared first on Babble.
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