This Couple Live-Streamed Their Baby’s Birth
Fakamalo Kihe Eiki, a California-based comedian, live-streamed his wife’s entire labor in a 45-minute Facebook Live video. The new dad captioned the video “Let’s try pushing baby out,” and it’s received over 103,000 views thus far.
The video shows Eiki’s wife from mostly the stomach up as you see the staff helping her through the delivery process, and ends with the arrival of a very healthy looking baby boy.
He decided to live-stream the birth to share this special moment with his family. “I have family members everywhere and just to share it with them that I had a healthy boy despite my troubles, is motivation,” says Eiki on his Facebook page.
Would you let your husband Facebook Live your child’s birth? The once very private moment has the opportunity to become a very public behind-the-scenes look. No matter your opinion, we can all agree that this baby is beautiful.
The post This Couple Live-Streamed Their Baby’s Birth appeared first on Babble.
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