A new year. It’s a clean slate. A fresh start that usually comes with a list of goals we strive to do better in the new year. Instead of tossing those resolutions out the window after a few weeks, your turned them into something you’d actually want to look at every day?
Check out these 7 ways you can display your resolutions for the New Year!
Reusable Blackboard Paint Ornaments idea from The Making Home (via Pinterest)
This creative way to display your new year’s resolution not only saves you time and money, but you can use it year after year. It’s simple and super cheap to make!
Family and friends can join in on the fun of writing down a wish or goal for the new year. Just write it on a sticky note. Once everyone has written down their wish or goal, gather all the notes and add them to a chalkboard or frame of your choice then display it within your home.
As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. This picture frame display is the perfect way to display your goals for the new year. Each resolution can have it’s own frame so it stands out.
Order personalized items with your new year’s resolutions on it. It can either by your own or your family’s. Order mugs, tote bags, pencils, calendars, or other items! There are many companies and local stores out their that offer this. Try Zazzle, Etsy, Vista Print, or Costco.
Choose a word each year that will be your motto to keep you focused on your dreams and passions to help you create change and growth in your daily life.
Original Source: https://247moms.com/2020/12/7-ways-to-display-your-new-years-resolutions/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=7-ways-to-display-your-new-years-resolutions
Written by: Moms on 2020-12-30 18:00:49
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