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The beginning of the end – Marraige New Years Resoulutions


The beginning of the end – Marraige New Years Resoulutions

Winnie the Pooh once said “If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you.” I realize he is only a cute little bear and he was probably telling this to Piglet but this quote happens to be one of my favorites when it comes to my marriage.

You see the day I said “I do” was the beginning of the end. The beginning of a lifetime journey as a wife and becoming Mrs. Stephen Ray Novotny and the end to a selfish life of my own. I was now committed to the marriage vows I took before those seated in the pews at my wedding celebration, before God and before the man I was committing to have and to hold from that day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from that day forward until death do us part.

2021 marks the beginning of our 35th year of marriage, we will celebrate December 6th, 35 years of marriage – looking back I will be honest and say it has been harder than we dreamed but the adventure has been worth every moment, every risk, every up and every down. We have grown stronger, closer and I can not imagine life without him.

As I enter 2021 I have made my list of marriage News Year resolutions and want to challenge you to make your own list.

My 2021 Marriage New Years resolutions:

1. Have a servants heart towards my husband.

2. Date my husband on a weekly basis even if it is just a long walk or out for coffee. ( He gets coffee I get hot chocolate) 

3. Encourage him in verbal words, notes, emails and text messages ( yes, he is a cool tech geek).

4. Pray together on a consistent basis ( daily would be my goal)

5. Say ” I love you” more often, you can never say it enough.

6. Be an example to my adult children of an honoring marriage.

7. Support him with the skills I have to make him successful in his business.

8. Be his biggest cheerleader.


The post The beginning of the end – Marraige New Years Resoulutions appeared first on 24/7 Moms.


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Written by: Moms on 2021-01-12 21:11:37


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